On Tuesday December 13, a group of wives and members from Beta Delta Boule Fraternity presented on behalf of the Chambers-McCain Foundation, books to the Principal and Librarian at Albemarle Elementary School in Charlotte. A total of 410 new culturally relevant children’s books were donated by the wives of the fraternity members along with family and friends. Albemarle is a K-5 school, serving primarily Hispanic and African-American students split 53% and 46%, respectively. 100% of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. According to Principal Monica Palmer, the staff is experiencing challenges with students and families making the transition to full-time in-person instruction but is making good progress. She welcomes involvement from community groups and has a particular interest in recruiting more male volunteers who can serve as role models for the boys.
2022 Holiday Book Drive a great Success
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Updated: Dec 15, 2022